
National Operatic & Dramatic Association of London, 1991

In 1991, NODA (National Operatic & Dramatic Association) of England arranged for me to visit England from May to August 1991 to study Music, drama and dance. Several members of the association were pleased to have me as their guest in their homes—including June King McWilliams, Annete Reid and Ethel Fidler.

I was a student at the association’s Theatre Course, held at Churchill Hall, University of Bristol, from 20th to the 27th July 1991. In this theatre Course all aspects of theatre techniques---including voice, improvisation, text appreciation, stage management, dancing etc.—were studied.

I was a also a student at the association’s Technical Summer School, held at King Alfred’s College, Winchester, from 27th July to 3rd August 1991. In this school all aspects of technical theatre---including stage management, lighting, properties, set construction etc. ---were studied, with the emphasis on the management of resources.